Monday, September 22, 2014

Computer Stand Pt. 3


Ok so today after work I had some time to glue up the computer stand. Ever since I switched to Liquid Hide Glue instead of Yellow Wood Glue (PVA) my glue ups have been so much easier and less stressful. Liquid Hide glue is a relatively new glue... well sort of! Let me explain, Hide glue (yes made from animal hides) has been around for a very long time... thousands of years actually, yellow wood glue (PVA) was the modern glue... came around the early 1900's and it is pretty amazing stuff super strong and quick drying. Now Liquid Hide glue is the modern way of using hide glue. Let me explain the difference, Hide glue must be heated in a pot before it becomes liquid and can be used, which is a real pain in the butt, so liquid hide glue came around and they made hide glue stay liquid at room temperature, so you get the good qualities of hide glue without dealing with heating it up. What are the benefits you ask? Well longer open working time of around 30 mins compared to the 5 to 10 mins of PVA, meaning that you can take longer to glue things up and not have to worry about the glue setting up on you. Another huge benefit is that it cleans up easily with water so squeeze out on the project can be wiped off easily and lastly it doesn't affect the finish... PVA glue if you don't clean it all up you see a spot where the finish doesn't take, but with hide glue the finish works on it just incase you missed a spot when cleaning. Ok enough about glue...

The glue up was pretty easy because I had made the sub-assembly of the shelves so basically it was just put the pieces together and clamp them up. Now we wait overnight to dry and then we start the sanding and sanding and sanding and then my favorite part... THE FINSH... still haven't decided  on a finish but I am leaning towards a danish oil finish...

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