Monday, February 16, 2015

Tool Chest Build 03 - Sliding Dovetail Dividers

So after finishing the bottom panel dovetails to the best of my hand cut dovetail ability I dry fit it to see how well they fit together... and while there were some gaps, they weren't too bad and once the glue makes them expand a little they should look pretty clean... and will hold the bottom panel from ever falling out.

The closeup shows the fit.

and the dry fit looks good.... so far!

Ok now for the Sliding dovetail dividers. I decided to change the design a bit here, originally it was going to be through mortise and tenon joint for the dividers but I liked the idea of keeping it dovetails. As the dovetails in the bottom hold the panel from falling out from the bottom, using sliding dovetails on the dividers will hold the sides from ever opening out to the sides... Now I mentions why these joints were originally used to hold the parts from falling apart for to tell the truth with todays modern glues and the fact that this will never have enough force or weight applied to it all these joints are total overkill but its cool to know what they are there and truth be told with these joins like this I could put it together without glue and it would hold... but you are gonna have to take my word for it cuz I'm gluing it.

2 dividers so here is a closeups of the dovetail grooves on the side panel.

Here is what the side panels look like so far.

and here is with the divider slid into the groove looks like, its left a little proud so that it can be hand planed down smooth and flush once it is glued in place.

Ok well that is it for the dividers, learned an new technique as this was the first time I had ever used sliding dovetails. Next up I will be ploughing the groves in for the back and the front panels of the box.. Stay Tuned.

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