Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Tool Chest Build 05 - Glue Up and Clean Up

So after finishing up all the parts and giving them a light sanding... mostly to the inside parts because they will be hard to get to after the glue up I started to glue up and parts, I followed the sequence I had planned out in the last post (Bottom, back, divider, back, divider, back and front) I clamped all the pieces together... I am really happy I used the liquid Hide glue because this glue up took just under 30 minutes and regular glue would have set up way before that.

Here are a few pictures of the glue up.... "YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY CLAMPS"

The Front:

The Back:

The Top:

Ok now to let it dry... 24 hrs later... and I was able to take the box out of the clamps, looking at the piece after removing it from the clamps you can see all the places I left proud so that I could flush it up later... of course this is when I realized that I could have left less things oversized and have less work at this point but it's ok... it will look good... I think?

Here are the pictures of the box straight from the clamps:

The front, you can see lots of glue to clean up and lots of joints to flush up:

The back, more of the same:

The top, for sure could have left less material above but should be easy to plane down... I think?

Divider detail... this one is interesting... at this point I couldn't tell if it was just proud or if the joint wasn't tight... here's hoping...Gulp!

Ok now another 24hrs... had to go to work, but I was now ready to start planing down the surfaces and get this all cleaned up... or so I thought... Damn I have to sharpen my planes... so I took out my diamond stones and started to sharpen all 3 planes I was going to use... 1000 grit... 4000 grit... 8000 grit and then a little stropping on leather and the blades are ready. Now to plane the box... Damn how do I clamp something this big to the bench so it doesn't move... this way, NO! that way, NO... hmm? Oh I know I used a clamp down to the top of the bench and the bench vise to hold the clamp (wish I took a picture but I didn't). Ok started planing and found that ASH (wood I'm using) planes really easy as long as you go with the grain not against it, ( I think there is a phrase about this).

Ok now the pictures after the initial clean up... at this point I have only used planes and a little sandpaper to get to my initial cleanup... still will have lots more to sand once the whole thing is complete.

The Front, not too bad, most joints look good... maybe little gaps but I can live with that.

The Back, Oh good the joints look tight.

The Top, this worked out just as I thought it would, but I am now out of breath... and my shoulders are getting tired next time leave less material to flush up dummy...

Ah the Dovetails, actually most of them turned out really nice and tight, way better than I thought they would... but of course there is this one...Damn $#@%#$, son of a $^%@$@... Oh well it will stand there taunting me forever... FCUK!!!!! Any ideas on wood filler? This is how you know it was done by hand right? NO!!!! LOL all this aside I'm happy with the box so far and well there is nothing I can really do so be it!

I haven't decided what I will be working on next the Frame and Panel Lid or the Drawers yikes more dovetails... maybe the lid first then.

A little sneak peak at the Walnut veneer I will be using both for the lid panel and the drawer fronts... really cool stuff.


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